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除了提供最先進的奈米材料及設備,並提供客戶產品開發諮詢的服務, 協助客戶將最先進的材料導入現有產品製程中,以縮短客戶開發的新產品的時程,創造雙贏的商機。

◆ Best Products ◆ Best Services ◆ Best Friend of Customers

GIBusiness provide customers the most advanced materials and instruments in the world. We are also the most reliable consultant and friends of customers.
    Our services including of:
  • 1. Provide advanced nanomaterials & instruments.
  • 2. Provide successful solutions to customers.
  • 3. Solve customers’ issues.
  • 4. R&D consultant.
  • 5. Create a win-win business.
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